Dear Graduate Medical Education Community,

Thank you for your interest in the UPMC Graduate Medical Education WELL (Well-Being, Education, Learning and Living) Subcommittee. We hope that you find our WELL website helpful in the support of resident and fellow physician well-being here at UPMC and across the globe!

At UPMC, our GME leadership is devoted to fostering a training culture that values and prioritizes resident and fellow well-being. We recognize that trainee well-being depends not only on personal resilience, but also on the strength of our training community and an openness towards systems-level change.

In addition to GME specific initiatives, the WELL Subcommittee also collaborates with well-being efforts across the educational and professional spectrum, including those at the University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine and through UPMC Physician THRIVE.

By improving systems within our academic community, we hope to combat stigma, improve transparency, engender trust, and acknowledge – our vulnerabilities and imperfections, our self-imposed expectations, our ability to make mistakes, our discomfort with medical uncertainty, our need for support in challenging times, and most importantly, our humanness.

All WELL resources are reviewed by UPMC GME leadership in collaboration with our community of educators and trainees to assure the highest caliber content possible. Visitors are strongly encouraged to submit their own suggestions, innovative ideas and helpful resources to enhance our efforts!

Of note, the WELL website is public-facing and updated regularly with educational and informational resources to promote resident and fellow well-being and improve confidential access to supportive services for individuals struggling or at risk. Those needing immediate help will find contact information at the bottom of each page.

Thank you again for your interest. To get involved and for more information, please contact us!


Vu T. Nguyen, MD (
Program Director, Plastic Surgery
Co-Chair, UPMC GME WELL Subcommittee

Sansea L. Jacobson, MD (
Program Director, Child Psychiatry and Triple Board
Co-Chair, UPMC GME WELL Subcommittee